Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is Studievereniging Machiavelli?

A: Established in 1964, Studievereniging Machiavelli is the study association for political science students at the University of Amsterdam. We are an international association that aims to provide the best experience possible for political science students.

Q: What do I get as a Machiavelli member?

A: You get access to many political, social and educational events we hold. These range from pub lectures and meeting politicians to incredible parties and festivals. Moreover, you can participate in bodies that communicate with the department to get your voice heard, or join our committees to help Machiavelli with events and many other things!

Q: Can I access Machiavelli events if I'm not a member?

A: Mostly not. Unless it is stated that the event is open for externals, you need a membership to access our events. 

Q: Can I become a member without an IBAN?

A: Yes! However, unfortunately you cannot activate your account without an IBAN but you can still become a member for administrative purposes by mailing Include in this email the following information: student number, first and last name, date of birth, gender, email address, phone number, address of your current home and your international bank account number.

Q: What are the Machiavelli committees and why would I join one?

A: The committees are groups of members who contribute to the organisation of our events of Machiavelli, working with our board members. By joining a committee, you gain professional skills that you might not be able to learn otherwise. Further on, you get to network and improve your CV. Most importantly, you contribute to the creation of great events for our members, so your friends and classmates!

Q: How can I end my membership?

A: Sorry to hear that you are leaving us, but we hope you enjoyed your time here! To end your membership you can send an email to including your name and student number.

Q: Who are the study advisors for bachelors?

A: There are four study advisors who will help you throughout the year if you have any study related questions  e.g. study delay. They can be reached through email at .

Q: When can I apply to be the next board?

A: The opening of application to the next board will be posted on our social media in year 2024. Keep up to date by reading our Members’ Mail and following us on Instagram @svmachiavelli. If you have any questions about each position feel free to contact the board member anytime. We can be reached through email:

Chair: Wouter Meijer -

Secretary: Zeynep Akdoğan -

Treasurer: Teun Sparreboom -

Education Coordinator: Lesa Fernandes -

Political Activities Coordinator: Mees Sengers -

Social Activities Coordinator: Gideon Benard -

International Coordinator: Eda Adıyaman -

Q: Can I still join committees?

A: Yes, you can still be considered to joining a committee, send an email to the person in charge of the committee. To find an overview of the Machiavelli committees go to

Q: Can I join events when I don't speak dutch?

A: Most events planned by Machiavelli are in English as we are an international study association. We have a few only Dutch events but this is due to full Dutch companies/organisations or example Dutch elections.