Other Resources
UvA Resources
General initiatives and help for students
The UvA offers general initiatives and help for students, ranging from what to do if you experience negative feelings, stress and loneliness, but also how to get in contact with other students, how to exercise or expand your skills.
Initiatives and help for students
NL: https://www.uva.nl/actueel/coronavirus/initiatieven-en-hulp-voor-studenten.html
Apart from the UvA, there are also other initiatives run by students that can be really valuable, especially in these times.
Frisse Gedachtes
On their website you can chat with a professionally trained buddy that can either help you with a certain problem or refer you to the right person. They have both a Dutch and an English platform. If you like, this chat can be anonymous.
NL: https://www.frissegedachtes.nl/
EN: https://en.frissegedachtes.nl/
De Advieswinkel
Do you prefer speaking to someone over chatting? De Advieswinkel offers free, anonymous, open-ended 45 minute conversations with advanced psychology students who are there to listen to you and think along with you about possible solutions. The conversations take place every Wednesday night between 6:00-9:00 pm. They can be both offline and online, depending on your preference. You can make an appointment via their website:
NL: http://de-advieswinkel.nl/afspraak-maken/
EN: their website does not have a separate English page, but the appointment matrix is both in Dutch and English.
People to refer to
Didn’t find what you were looking for yet? In the web of resources below, you can find who best to approach depending on the nature of your problem or complaint. Look at the coloured circles and see which circle best describes your case. The explanatory texts tell you who best to approach and why. To make it easy for you, we have listed some of the contact details of the resources within the Faculty and Department underneath the web!
Study advisors
Confidential advisers of Faculty Association of Social and Behavioural Sciences
Mirjam Koelewijn M.G.Koelewijn@uva.nl
Anne van der Putten A.M.vanderputten@uva.nl
Student general practitioners
For urgent calls: +31 (0)20 525 2878
Student psychologists
You can apply for conversations with the student psychologist through the UvA website:
NL: https://student.uva.nl/content/az/psychologen/psychologen.html
EN: https://student.uva.nl/en/content/az/psychologists/psychologists.html
For questions you can also contact: studentenpsychologen@uva.nl / studentpsychologist@uva.nl