Machiavelli participated in a couple of national and local collaborations. Below you can find an overview of the coordinating student associations and collaborations that we are affiliated with.
Platform for Politicians
The Platform for Politicians (PvP) is a collaboration between study associations Political Science in the Netherlands. The chairs of these associations regularly meet to discuss relevant affairs currently happening in their own associations, share experiences and organise joint activities. An example of such an activity is the PiP congress. This congress will have chosen current themes that appeal to future politicians. For example, last year it was ‘modern warfare and terrorism’. Several known speakers give a reading about their field of study during the congress. In addition to that, workshops are organised where Political Science students can learn more about the work areas of politicians in an interactive way.
National Consultative Body of Public Administration Associations (LOB)
The National Consultative Body of Public Administration Associations (LOB) is an umbrella organisation for study associations Public Administration in the Netherlands. Machiavelli has affiliated itself with LOB, because Management and Policy are a part of the bachelor Political Science at the University of Amsterdam. The goal of LOB is to provide a network of all Public Administration associations in the Netherlands. Next to that, the National Congress of Public Administration (LCB) is organised each year with the support of LOB.
ASVA Student Union
The ASVA Student Union is the spokesperson for all students in Amsterdam and has a traditional close connection with Machiavelli. We actively participate in the Study association meetings (SVO) organised by ASVA, and regularly help with the organisation of activities by ASVA. The other way around, ASVA has proven itself by regularly supporting actions of Machiavelli.
Faculty of Social and Behavioural Science
The collaboration with the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Science (FV-FMG) started in the academic year 2010-2011, as a result of joint problems with all eight associations of our faculty. Since that school year, the study associations regularly meet together, for most with the goal to look after their joint interests and share experiences. Since 2013, the FV-FMG formally exists and rotates chairmanship between the chairs of the various associations.