
ICJ&ICC Career Symposium

On October 1st, Machiavelli hosted the highly anticipated 'ICJ&ICC Career Symposium: Where Do You See Yourself in 25 Years?' in Roeterseiland Campus. Organized by the Career Sub Committee, the event attracted both Bachelor’s and Master’s students eager to explore career opportunities in international law.

For those who missed the event, a recording is available for viewing at the following link: 

The symposium featured notable guest speakers from the International Court of Justice (ICJ) and the International Criminal Court (ICC), offering insights into their career paths and discussing the importance of these institutions in global governance. 

Michael Karnavas, with over 23 years of experience at the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia and 16 years at the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia, inspired the audience with his extensive work in international legal consultancy and his advice on pursuing a career in global justice.

Claudia Piñeiro, a Case Manager at the ICC, offered insights into managing cases and navigating complex international criminal proceedings. 

Raphael Pierfederici, a Judicial Fellow at the ICC, provided a behind-the-scenes look at his work supporting judges and the vital role of judicial fellows. 

Chloe Batchelor shared her diverse experience, having worked at the ICJ, the United Nations Mechanism for International Criminal Tribunals, and the Kosovo Specialist Chambers. She is currently the General Affairs and Communications Officer at The Hague Academy of International Law, where she emphasized the importance of outreach and communication in international institutions. 

Attendees had the chance to engage in dynamic discussions on topics such as human rights, justice, and international diplomacy.

The symposium was a major success, providing students with valuable career advice and the chance to envision their future roles in international law.