Lustrum x Almanak

Lustrum Committee

The 12th Lustrum committee organizes the Lustrum (anniversary) events for the 60th year of SV Machiavelli. 

The Lustrum committee organizes the Lustrum themed events throughout the next year alongside with the 60th Board. This gives plenty of opportunity to be creative and celebrate the 60th year of our association by organizing large events with a unique budget. Prior experience in committees and or other work related to Machiavelli is encouraged but not required. Tell us why you would like to be part of the Lustrum committee and which themes/events you would like to organize. 

The Lustrum committee is responsible for its own division of tasks. The following functions are divided: chair, secretary, treasurer, almanac coordinator, two event coordinators and the lustrum coordinator (chair 60th). Already have a preferred role in mind? Include it in your motivation and send it alongside your reasons for interest in the Lustrum, previous work in Machiavelli and send it to before the 1st of May. 

Almanak Committee 

The 12th Almanak committee organizes the Almanak (anniversary book) of SV Machiavelli. 

The Almanak committee creates the almanak, a book which is a collection of memories, interviews, and more from the history of Machiavelli and with a focus on how the association looks now and the growth from the past five years. Interested in what the almanak is and looks like before applying? Come by the Machiavelli room at B1.07 to see the past two Almanaks. Apply to the almanak committee if you are interested in creating a token of appreciation, which will be remembered and looked into for many years to come. Prior knowledge of SV Machiavelli is recommended or good skills in structuring a book/magasin. 

Unfortunately, there are no applications open for this committee.